Building the Herding Hope Community Grazing Cooperative, Santa Rosa, CA

Herding Hope is a community Grazing Cooperative established in the Spring of 2020 in the fire ravaged area of Northeast Santa Rosa.  It is a cooperative built by community members that lost their homes in the 2017 Tubbs fires that ripped through the hills of that region.   

Despite the loss of their homes, these community members decided to rebuild on the land they loved deeply. 

After returning to their rebuilt homes, they were evacuated by another fast-moving fire.  Their home remained, but so did their fear.  So they came together, developed new relationships and took care of each other and the land they loved with a flerd of sheep and goats.  The animals graze the community and serve them in vegetation management and community weavers as they settle back into their homes and living now in a healthy fire ecosystem.